Time Block Planning with the reMarkable 2 Tablet
I’ve always liked the idea of setting up a proper system of task management and emails, but it was only when I’ve red Digital Minimalism and Deep Work bei Cal Newport that I truly delved into productivity systems. While I haven’t fully embraced the digital minimalist way of life, one thing I have adopted into…
Podcasts for Data Science Start-Ups
I am not a Podcasts person. Most episodes are too long, there is a lot of nonsense talk with inside jokes, and I usually find information quicker when googling on my own. As the past months have been quite busy, however, I was looking to fill the time where I couldn’t read or do other…
From Psychologist to Data Scientist
Social scientist or psychologist interested in data science? I compiled a list of skills and resources, I think are relevant in order to start in the field.
Workshop “Einführung in die Datenanalyse mit R” (Post and Slides in German)
Last weekend, I gave a 1.5 day workshop for students at my university on data analysis using R. In this post I briefly share my experience along with the workshop slides and an example project – both of which are in German. If you are looking for an English introduction into R, have a look…
Predicting EVE Online item sales (BVM Data Science Cup 2017)
This year, the BVM (German professional association for market and social researchers), hosted their first Data Science Cup. There were four tasks involving the prediction of sales data for the online sci-fi game “EVE Online”. It was my first year working in market research and applying statistics and machine learning algorithms in a real-world context.…
Vagrant VM for starting a Rails project
This is something off-topic for this blog, but after spending several hours setting up an environment for developing and testing a Ruby on Rails project, I’d like to share my solution. I recently had an idea for a small web-project, for that I’d like to use Ruby on Rails. From previous attempts of using Rails,…
Re: Blog
Okay, schon wieder ein Blog. Ja, ich habe in den letzten Jahren immer wieder neue Blogs aufgemacht. Und ja, die haben selten länger als ein Jahr gehalten. Trotzdem habe ich noch mal einen neuen Anlauf gestartet. Und wieso? Seit Anfang Oktober arbeite und promoviere ich in der Abteilung Methodenlehre, Diagnostik und Evaluation an der Uni…